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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields


AUSTRALIA published from, United Kingdom
Application deadline: 01 Dec 2013

The Australian Synchrotron operates two Macromolecular Crystallography beamlines, one on an undulator source (MX2) and one on a bending magnet source (MX1).  We are seeking a passionate, motivated and positive scientist to join the Macromolecular Crystallography team. You will be involved in the operation, maintenance and development of the MX beamlines. You will work closely with other facility employees to ensure that the beamline meets its scientific objectives, and will be expected to pursue your own scientific research in addition to contributing to the development of the beamline. You will be required to advise and support academic and commercial users, as well as assist potential new users to ensure that they are able to perform their scientific experiments in an efficient and effective manner. Occasional travel may be required.


  • A PhD in the biological or life sciences, with an emphasis on structural biology

Experience & Technical Capabilities

  • More than 3 years relevant postdoctoral experience
  • Expertise in protein crystallography including data processing and analysis software
  • Candidates with a strong background in chemical crystallography, in lieu of protein crystallography, are eligible to apply.
  • Knowledge of crystallography beamlines, equipment and control systems will be considered favourably
  • Hands-on experience working with hardware will be an asset. This includes equipment at synchrotron beamlines or X-ray home sources, robots, imagers etc.
  • Familiarity with Unix/Linux based systems and the use the command line interface to execute tasks will be of benefit.
  • Demonstrated ability to produce scientific outcomes
  • Ability to develop scientific collaborations with external groups