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Instruct collaborations with Latin American universities


To build on the strong partnerships with Latin American universities, Instruct-ERIC launched an International Access Call, in March 2019 (closing April 2019). The Instruct-ERIC International Access Calls offered the opportunity for scientists working in institutions that have signed Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) to apply to access the Instruct Research Infrastructure, using services offered in the Instruct catalogue. The applications were reviewed, and the successful candidates notified.

The institutions eligible: Instituto de Biologica Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR, Argentina), Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquemicas de La Plata ¨Prof. Dr. R.R.Brenner¨ (INIBIOLP, Argentina), Instituto de Quemica y Fisicoquemica Biologicas (IQUIFIB, Argentina), Centro de Biologa Estructural (CBE, Venezuela), The Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP, Brazil), Institut Pasteur Montevideo (Uruguay), Universidad de la Republica (UdelaR, Uruguay) and Leloir Institute Foundation (Argentina).


It is hoped that such research visits will lead to stronger collaborations with scientists and institutions within the region.