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Joint OPEN SESAME and Instruct Macromolecular Crystallography Thematic School - now closed

The Diamond Light Source and the Open-SESAME H2020 project is offering a week-long course in structural biology. The course, offered jointly with Instruct, is scheduled to take place at the end of September/first week in October 2019 at Diamond Light Source, UK. Lectures and practicals in macromolecular crystallography and bioSAXS will be presented as well as lectures on a range of biophysical characterisation methods that address sample quality and control e.g. multi-angle light scattering, thermal melts, analytical ultracentrifugation and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Early researchers and students from Middle East countries which are SESAME members are invited to apply early. Up to 20 places are available for them and participants will be selected based on the scientific quality of the project and the applicant's statement (including CV,  motivation and recommendation letters).


The thematic training course objective is to train researchers in current best methods and practices and is aimed at early researchers in structural biology. Sample material will be provided, but there may be an opportunity to measure data from your own samples. The course will cover standard data collection procedures/protocols for MX and BioSAXS followed by advanced data collection methods including microfocus beams for microcrystal data collection, X-ray fragment-based screening and in-line SEC-SAXS.  More information on the thematic school and to apply please follow this link.

Call Submission Guidelines

Applicants should provide a CV with a short description of their own research project and a statement on why they wish to attend the course. A letter of support from a supervisor or principle investigator is required. Applicants should indicate if they have their own suitable crystals for MX or pure protein for bioSAXS and/or biophysical characterisation to make available for the course.


Up to 20 places are available with funding to cover travel, accommodation and visa costs for selected participants. Selection will be based on the quality of the scientific project and the statement from the applicant and supervisor.

Call Closes:
23-May-2019 0:00 CEST

Click the button to begin your application for this call. Your draft applications will also appear here as well as on your dashboard and can be continued at any point.

To submit a proposal you must login.
