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10th Instruct Training call

10th Call for proposals for Instruct Centre Training Courses 


This call is for events planned, organised and implemented by Instruct Centres or in coordination with scientific representatives of Instruct members. Courses co-organised with industrial partners are encouraged. Courses can be organised in collaboration by more than one Instruct Centre or with other organisations, such collaborations should be included in the application. Courses may be funded up to 12000 Euros. Applications showcasing integrative approaches to structural biology are encouraged.  


Please submit your application online making sure the proposal adhere to the Training Course guidelines available below.  


Deadline for proposal submission is 5pm CET 30thAugust 2019

Call Submission Guidelines

Guidelines for Instruct Courses 

The Instruct training courses programme aims to increase the skills level of researchers in structural biology through the organisation and support of training courses and workshops The programme only supports events planned, organised and implemented by Instruct Centres or in coordination with scientific representatives of Instruct members. Instruct does not provide support or sponsorship for the organization of other external events. Courses can be organised in collaboration with other organisations; such collaborations and their level of support should be made explicit in the application. 

All Instruct supported training courses should adhere to the following guidelines: 

Instruct training courses that have been approved by the Training Committee and are supported by central Instruct funding should: 

  1. Include the word Instruct in the title 
  2. Promote either an integrated approach of structural biology techniques or in depth training of specific techniques. An emphasis should be given on cutting edge techniques that are not covered in the standard undergraduate curriculum. 
  3. Courses could be either theoretical, or include practical training.  

The criteria for Instruct courses are: 

  1. 1. Defined admission criteria: courses should be advertised openly on the Instruct website and on other websites to attract a broad uptake. Where admission is limited, these limits should be made clear on or before application. Evaluation of applicants should respect the principles of offering equal opportunities with regard to gender, disability or ethnicity. 

  2. 2. Predefined set of teaching objectives leading to defined outcomes: Course content should be tailored to the academic level of applicants with realistic expected outcomes (e.g. independent implementation of software at applicant’s home lab; basic understanding of new technologies applicable to specific experimental scenarios; independent planning for an integrated approach). The objectives of the course should be clearly described in the call for applications. 

  2. 3. Excellent facilities, infrastructure, expertise and leadership to support the course content. These parameters will be evaluated by the Instruct Training Committee in their evaluation of the proposal: the Committee expects these standards to be delivered. 

  2. 4. Assessment of outcome and standard of training offered: a system to collect feedback from attendees should be in place and a report to the Training Committee should summarise this information and any suggestions for improvement. 

  2. 5. Provision of updated reference material: where appropriate, updated information following the course should be made available to course participants, either via the Instruct website or other electronic means.  

  2. 6. Focus on integrative structural biology 

All courses supported with Instruct funds will have a page or a link on the Instruct website. 

Courses should have a webpage with the following relevant information (this can be on the Instruct website – contact, and/or on your institutional website. If the latter, a link for the Instruct website must be provided): 

  • details of registration 
  • fees (if appropriate) including bursary or other fee waiver opportunities 
  • venue (including map) 
  • travel and accommodation arrangements (especially local travel information; trains, buses, taxis with indication of approximate costs) 
  • program 
  • social events (group dinner) 
  • acknowledgement of Instruct funding, including the logo (click here). 

7. Proposal submission

Proposals are submitted online via Instruct-ERIC website (link to submission) and requires to be registered to ARIA.

Make sure that the proposal includes also the following details: 

  • Title of the course (it should include the word Instruct) 
  • Venue and host Instruct Centre 
  • Aims of the course and expected impact for young researchers 
  • Opportunity for participants to work (at least partly) with their own samples Proposed dates (or interval during which the course may be held) 
  • Lead contact 
  • Outline course content (indicate lecture/practical content as applicable) 
  • Number of participants anticipated 
  • List of confirmed course tutors 
  • Detailed budget (venue, catering, staff costs/fees, accommodation costs for participants and speakers)

Call Closes:
02-Sep-2019 18:00 CEST

Click the button to begin your application for this call. Your draft applications will also appear here as well as on your dashboard and can be continued at any point.

To submit a proposal you must login.
