There are multiple areas where you might want to add publications within the system e.g. in your profile or when submitting a proposal. In any of the forms, the option to add publications will be as shown below:

You can search for publications using either PMIDs, DOIs, PMCs, article titles or author names. Alternatively, multiple publications can be added by clicking "Upload CSV".
CSV files can be generated from PubMed results - instructions on how to do so are available here:
The CSV file from Pubmed should have either a PMID column or an Identifiers column (which can contain PMID, PMCID or both of them). If there are some issues with your file, you can download a template, open it with Excel, fill it in the publication data and save it as CSV. The file can be uploaded by clicking "Upload CSV".
The CSV file can contain multiple publications and these will all be uploaded simultaneously.