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Managing your profile

There are two ways to locate ‘Edit Profile’ The first way is through ARIA

1. Go to ‘Your Admin’ 

2. If you have not already logged in the page will re-directs you to another page and ask you to login.


3. Once logged into ARIA in the top left hand side of ARIA it will show you profile. To edit your profile click ‘edit profile. 




The second way you can edit your profile is through the dashboard you can do this by:

  1. Login in order to access the Dashboard 

2. Once logged in ‘Dashboard’ will be available at the top of the home screen. Click on dashboard to access it.

3. Once dashboard is accessed, scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find ‘edit profile.’ Click on this to edit your profile. 



Change profile information and save.

The profile contains fields for information about:

    • Personal Details (Name, Email address, Gender, Nationality, Country of residence)
    • Employing Organisation (Organisation, Legal status of organisation, Position at organisation)
    • Biography (Avatar, Profile Banner, Scientific highlight, Biography, Qualifications, Specialisation(s), Subjects, Interests, Publications)
    • ARIA settings (Timezone, Messaging preferences)
  1. Edit any form fields to update your profile.

  2. Save any changes by clicking "Save changes" at the bottom of the page.