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eRImote Information Platform


The eRImote project aimed to identify and explore new solution for remote access provision to research infrastructures, ensuring that researchers could access the infrastructure and technologies they needed without needing to travel in-person.

As part of the project, the eRImote Information Platform was developed. This repository is made up of documents, resources, webinars, and tools to enhance research infrastructure remote access. Explore the platform here.

Resources include the eRImote Green Paper, providing a definition of remote and virtual access and remote training and explores their implementation across various RIs, highlighting the implications for their operational processes and the dynamics of interaction between RIs and their user communities.

Several remote access procedures for structural biology are highlighted, including the SIP platform from CEITEC for data management and remote work, plus several outputs from the Remote-NMR project.

If your institution has a remote access procedure which could be of use for the platform, please contact and this can be included.