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New Call for ARISE Fellows - From EMBL


The life sciences are increasingly relying on services provided by the core facilities, synchrotrons, data services and other research infrastructures. This creates a greater need for trained experts who know how to operate and develop scientific services.

To meet this need, the ARISE programme (Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists) at EMBL, is the first Fellowship programme of its kind in Europe that trains scientists and engineers for the high-level careers in research infrastructures in academia or industry.

You are invited to apply for one of the 20 three-year Fellowships to:

  • Work at EMBL on a method or technology development of your choice which will have a potential to be provided as a service to external life science researchers
  • Get trained in the operation and management of research infrastructures and service provision

The ARISE programme encourages applications from individuals who can complement EMBL teams. They believe that success is built on having teams whose backgrounds and personal experiences reflect the diversity of the populations that science serves. ARISE are particularly interested in the strengths and lived experiences of women, and all genders, different ethnic groups and cultures, and all demographics to help avoid perpetuating biases and oversights at this transformational point in their people strategy.


Find out more about ARISE and apply here


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