ARIA is experiencing some temporary instability. Our team is working to resolve it, but you may continue as usual. We appreciate your patience.

Configuring machine remote access

  1. Go to ‘Your Admin’. 

If you have not already logged in, the website will re-direct you to the login page.


3. Once directed to the ARIA homepage, click on the ‘Configuration’ tab, then ‘Machines and Methods’ and finally, ‘Edit Machines and Methods’.

4.  Once you are on the edit machines/method page search for the item you would like to edit. 

5. Click on the ‘Edit’ arrow and from the drop down list select 'Remote Access Config'.

6.  To add steps, click on ‘Add Step’, fill in the name of the new step and give it a colour to differentiate it from others. Ensure to press ‘Save Changes'. 

7. You can manage steps by dragging the steps into different orders, deleting and editing them. After one of these actions is complete ensure to press 'Save Changes'.