ARIA is experiencing some temporary instability. Our team is working to resolve it, but you may continue as usual. We appreciate your patience.

Managing user training status


  1. Go to ‘Your Admin’. 

2. If you have not already logged in the page will re-direct you to the login page.



3. Once directed to the ARIA homepage, click the ‘Configuration’ tab, then ‘Machines and Methods’ and finally, ‘Edit Machines and Methods’.

4. Once you are on the 'Edit Machines/Method' page, search for the item you would like to edit. 

5. In the 'Actions' column of the table, click the 'User Training' button that is found in the same row as the 'Method or Machine' that you would like to add or change user status in.

6. If you want to add a user, click 'Add New User'.

7.  Choose the new user, and change the level depending on the machine's level permission that machine administrators can change; help guides for that are available  here

8. Click 'Save Changes'.

9. You can also edit the level of users if they have already been added before by clicking "Edit".