ARIA is experiencing some temporary instability. Our team is working to resolve it, but you may continue as usual. We appreciate your patience.

Enabling Machine Workflow

  1. To Enable Machine Workflow go to Edit Machine/Method page.For information about how to get to the Edit Machine/Method page, check Editing a machine/method
  2. Using the "Enable Workflow" slider button, Workflows can be created and managed, it allows to enable booking.
  3. “Enable bookings”  relies on Enable Workflows. Make sure “Enable Workflow” is turned on to enable booking. 
  4. “Enable Session Feedback” and “Enable Financial Reporting” with sliders appear, make sure Enable Workflow turned on to enable Session Feedback and Financial Reporting.
  5. Click on “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page to save the workflows  and any other modifications done on the page.
  6. Workflows will be configured.